Complaint Intake Form

Complainant Information:

First Name:
Last Name:
Employer Address
Relationship to the Institution
How would you prefer we contact you?
Are you a current employee of FSU or an FSU contractor?
Are you a former employee of FSU or an FSU contractor?
Are you an applicant for a position with FSU or an FSU contractor?

Complaint Subject Information

Please provide information about the employee, individual, business or organization who is the subject of this complaint:
Relationship to the Institution
Relationship to the Institution
Relationship to the Institution

Additional Details

Is there a supervisor or a member of management involved?
Is management aware of the problem?
Has anyone attempted to conceal the violation/incident?

Complaint Information

Please provide a detailed explanation of the alleged violation/incident to include information about exactly what the subject/s of the complaint did that you believe is a violation of FSU policy, procedure, to include an act of fraud, waste, abuse, or other dishonest acts. The information you provide should be specific and include names, dates, policy violations, if known, and other relevant details.
Is the violation still occurring?


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By clicking the “Submit Complaint” button below, you are affirming the information contained in this complaint is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. Upon receipt of your complaint, the Office of Audit and Advisory Services (OAAS) will conduct a review of the information provided and additional information may be requested. OAAS will notify you about the determination as to whether our office will initiate an investigation or potentially refer your complaint to another entity for review.
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